
April 2017 – Minutes



Meeting on Tuesday 25th April 2017

7.30pm The Learning Centre, J A House


Present:          Tony Costigan (Chair), Jason Simper, Jackie Forward, Lisa Rome, Malcolm Williamson, Philip Pascoe & Mandi Sowik

Apologies:      Peter Shakespeare & Keith Murray

Members of public in attendance Jeremy Addison & Helen Lea.


Minutes of the Last Meeting were signed as a true and correct record by the Chair.


Planning:        Rose Cottage – Extension to side of property – Council have no objection

                        Development at The Shrave – Council have no objection.


Car Park/Signage Cllr Forward has been in contact with Fullers regarding the maintenance of the car park. Fullers have asked for photographic evidence of any work to be carried out.

                        Signage work will begin in the village on the on the 5th May.

The Clerk will discuss with J A House regarding the coaches being re-directed to either the Sports Centre or Anstey Park.

We have acquired 3 keys for the barrier on Gosport Road and the Council will open the barrier at weekends and bank holidays with Chawton House Library and the Church also opening when required.

The aim is to open the barrier this weekend 9-6 with the signage we currently have and some temporary signs, with a view to purchasing more signs in the future.

The council also agreed to look into Parking Restrictions.

Cllr Rome will speak to Mr & Mrs Johnson about placing 2/3 cones on the Gosport Road temporarily to provide a passing point, she will report back to the Council. Cllr Pascoe suggested that cones should be used temporarily at the pinch point during busy periods such as the Antique Fair.

Cllr Forward proposed all above seconded by Cllr Simper.

Antiques Fair – Cllr Forward and the Clerk will meet with the Village Hall and the Antique Fair to discuss and report back to the Council.


Standing Orders/Code of Conduct Cllr Pascoe is updating these and hopes to have them completed by 16th May meeting.


Notice Boards            The clerk has ordered a new oak notice board for the village centre, the council agreed to have an extra header with ‘Chawton Parish Council’ lettering, this will be ready by early June.


Discuss & Resolve handling of restricted info & docs PC have access to – this item will be postponed to a closed meeting of the council within the next two weeks.

Finance           Invoices for HALC – HR invoice was questioned and the council agreed that this was not required, Cllr Rome will speak to HALC to confirm.


Parish Magazine The Council agreed to publish a shortened version of the minutes in the magazine with a link to the full version on the website and the notice board.


Any Other Business

The Annual General Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on the 16th May in the Learning Centre, J A House at 7pm. The Clerk will be inviting SDNP, Cyber Crime presentation and the local police. Refreshments will be served.




Meeting closed at 9.06pm

Next meeting will be Tuesday 16th May 7pm

This will be the Annual General Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting.

The Learning Centre, J A House