residents local plan chawton Village Notices Meetings Events Uncategorized

Minutes Chawton PC Meeting 18th January 2022




Meeting on Tuesday 18th January 2022

7pm The Learning Centre J A House


1 Present/Apologies
1.1   Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Phillip Pascoe, Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Jenny Perring, Malcolm Williamson and Jayne Whittock

1.2   Apologies: Paul Schofield

2. Public Attendance
Ian Robertson
3. Minutes of last Meeting
Previously approved and signed as a true and correct record by the Chair
4. Updates
No current updates
5. Planning and Development*
Response to the proposed Alton Infrastructure Delivery Plan – The Clerk will check that a response is required from Chawton as the village lies mainly in the SDNP and therefore the plan may not apply.



*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.

6. General Activity
6.1  Speed Indicator Devices  (SID) – a temporary speed indicator device has been placed near the Village Hall for 2 weeks and will then be re-located for a further 2 weeks. The Clerk will check with the traffic team as to the next location and what data is recorded.


6.2 Purchase of a circular seat – The Clerk will meet with Robert Smith to finalise the design for the circular seat and share for approval. A mature tree will be sourced for the centre of the seat.


6.3 Parking and Lineage – As a result of village feedback a ‘watered down’ version of the lining and parking restrictions were deployed by the EHDC Traffic Team on behalf of the Parish Council and is being monitored by EHDC for effectiveness.


There have been complaints regarding the parking and lineage throughout the village, stating that the white line passing area appear to be insufficient along Gosport Road and vehicles are still being forced to reverse to enable safe passage. The Yellow lines in areas such as the junction of Gosport Road and Winchester Road, at the end of Ferney Close, outside the Forge and also from the village towards Springfield Cottages also need to be extended. Extended options will be presented to the PC by EHDC and will be fully discussed and reviewed before any changes are made.


6.4 Tree Maintenance Recreation Ground – Itchen Valley Trees have completed the second phase of the tree works and will commence planting imminently on the recreation ground. Around 16 trees will be planted with a grant kindly received from Cllr Diana Tennyson.

7. Financial Review
Salary and overtime for the Clerk, Magazine delivery J Fryer, Itchen Trees Surgeons & Admin expenses for Zoom and Website Domain.
8. AOB.
·       Celebrations for the Queens Platinum Jubilee – ideas for this would be discussed at the February meeting and any village input would be appreciated.

·       Cllr Williamson has been in contact with Hampshire County Council regarding the fly tipping in the large layby situated on the A31. HCC will inspect the layby and instruct EHDC to clear.

·       Cllr Perring has completed the artwork for the village information lecterns. This will now be passed onto SDNP for approval and subsequently on to the manufacturer before being installed.

·       Once again there are pregnant ewes in the fields around Chawton and there have been some incidents with dogs off lead. We would encourage all residents walking their dogs to be mindful of this and always keep dogs on leads in fields of livestock thereby setting an example to any visiting dog walkers. Also please ensure you pick up all dog mess as this is toxic to sheep.







Meeting closed at 20:05 Next meeting Tuesday 22nd February 2022.

For further information contact the Clerk on 01420 83440 or 07739 394743