Minutes chawton local plan Notices Uncategorized

February 2023 Minutes





Wednesday 15th February 2023 07:00 PM

The Learning Centre, J A House


1 Apologies
1.1  Present: Phillip Pascoe (Chair), Malcolm Williamson, Laura Dadswell, Jenny Perring and Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Jason Simper and Ilena Allsopp

1.2  Apologies: No apologies

2. Public Attendance
2.1 Introductions by the Public gallery of attendance and declared interests.

Clare Klare

3. Minutes of last Meeting
Previously approved and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.
4. Updates
District Councilors report

March 2023 Report


Please see information forwarded below for the District Councillor’s report: –


Refuse collection and bottle banks:  Although in October we were told that refuse, glass, and garden waste collections would be back to normal, we continued to have problems with the service during January and on into February this year.  Appointments can still be made on the EHDC website for the disposal of garden refuse and other rubbish at the recycling site in Alton.  This continues to work very well.

However, although supermarkets have undoubtedly risen to the challenge and produce recyclable plastic containers and bags of all descriptions, recycling in East Hampshire is nothing short of abysmal, and we cannot dispose of plastic supermarket packaging or containers in our black recycling bins.  Some supermarkets provide bins to take these containers and other plastic packaging, and some will also dispose of batteries.

The Climate Emergency: In December I mentioned the importance of radically reducing emissions both for our buildings and transport options to ensure ‘resilience in a changing climate.’  If we are planning for net-zero carbon development, we will also need to change our approach to urban design.

In July 2019, EHDC declared a Climate Change Emergency, ACAN evolved and I began work with the Climate Change Liaison panel (sub-group, natural environment). Recently EHDC announced that its Green Team, entirely made up of officers spread through the Council, would be going live. The natural environment sub-group have decided to continue to share information and work together.


Children’s art competitions:  During my time working with the natural environment sub-group, I have arranged four art competitions with school children in East Hampshire. We began with a tree art competition, and then moved on to the importance of trees for wildlife.  In 2021 the subject was ‘endangered species’, and last year we concentrated on ‘pondlife’.  The artwork produced by children aged from four to 15 years of age was outstanding.


Exhibition at Gilbert White’s House Museum:  The competition was again judged by local artist and illustrator, Rachel Hudson, and her help is always greatly appreciated.  Pictures of the winning entries and runners will be displayed at Gilbert White’s House Museum in early February.  As far as I am aware, this is the only way the Climate Change Panel has connected with schoolchildren. The winning pictures will also be displayed at the Allen Gallery, Alton, and ACAN will use them for their nature festival this summer.


Legally-binding targets:  At the time of writing, legally-binding targets for ‘reversing the decline of wildlife’ have been set up by the Government. Wildlife habitats will be expanded and there will be ’25 new or enlarged national nature reserves’.  Additionally, more money will be set aside for protecting rare wildlife, e.g. hedgehogs and red squirrels, and air and water quality will be improved. Protecting the natural environment is realised as being important to the ‘health, economy and prosperity of the country’ and ‘nature is vital for our survival, and crucial to our food security.’  Of course, Sir David Attenborough has aired similar views for many years, and Tony Juniper at Natural England continues in the same vein.


Part of our work on natural environment has involved protecting green spaces, including grass verges, playing fields, and recreation grounds.  We also helped enlist more tree wardens in our villages, protected more trees and councillors donated grant money towards planting trees and hedges. The importance of maintaining all the trees the Council planted was evident during last year’s drought.


We moved on to wildlife habitats and ponds last year, and following COP26, we turned our attention to farmland, agricultural and grazing land, and nature reserves. I visited several farms to note how farmers were coping with feeding livestock during the drought.  It is hoped that children will learn more about farming, and where our food comes from.


Councillors’ Community Grants:  During this financial year, 2022/23, I have helped finance projects for various local charities, equipment for preschools, the ‘Beyond the Margins’ art exhibition, Broadlands Riding for the Disabled, Dementia, fruit tree planting, bat boxes for Medstead recreation grounds, new benches for Four Marks recreation grounds, and towards flowers for the King’s coronation in May.


Defibrillators:  I also donated money towards upgrading the defibrillator at Benians Pavilion, Four Marks recreation grounds.  It is vital, in my view, that defibrillators are made available in all public open spaces, and in schools.  Also, equally important that adults and children are taught to do CPR as it can often take a few minutes to fetch a defibrillator when someone is in need.


Three District Councillors represent Four Marks, Medstead and Chawton and readers are welcome to contact us. Our Email addresses are as follows:- Jonathan.May@easthants.gov.uk, Ingrid.Thomas@easthants,gov.uk    and diana.tennyson@easthants.gov.uk .


Chairman’s Update:

Clerk’s Update:


Jayne Whittock – Sadly Jayne has decided to resign from the position of Councillor, the Council would like to thank her for her valued unput over the past year.



5. Planning and Development*
Current and ongoing planning applications will be discussed at the meeting and comments will be made: –

*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.


SDNP/22/05073/HOUS – Prowtings Winchester Road Chawton –

Refurbishment, partial demolition, conversion and extension of existing outbuilding into ancillary residential accommodation – Cllr Perring declared an interest and left the room.

The Council are generally in support of the application and will prepare a response for submission, highlighting their observations.


6. General Activity
Discuss and review the ongoing objectives and activities of the Parish Council (Detailed in Appendix 1).

6.1 – Memorials – Statement still to be agreed and posted on the website

6.2 – Bollard opposite the school, discussion with the Cricket Club still required.

6.3 – CIL Funding applications – Ideas for the CIL Bidding process include a new surface for the play area, blocking off the steps on Mounters Lane and diverting the path to the sports centre and tidy up the either side of the Underpass area including the replacement of the railings.

6.4 – Tree Works – Itchen Valley will begin phase 3 of the tree works 13-15th March, parts of the park and car park will be closed during this time.

6.5 – Plans for Coronation – save the date advert has been posted in the Parish Mag, the date will now be Sunday 7th May 2023 – Council is still looking for volunteers to join a sub committee to help with the organisation.

7. Financial Review
To review and approve any spending and payments/requests for funding (Itemised in Appendix 2)

Clerk Salary & Overtime, M Robinson – Cemetery clearing.

8. AOB.
8.1 Cllr Simper stated that the area around the Lavant towards the Wolf Lane end of the village requires some clearing.

8.2 A litter pick to be arranged.

8.3 Another quote for grass cutting would be obtained.

8.4 A letter would be sent to the Police Commissioner requesting information on Police patrols in the village and a possible liaison or contact.






Meeting closed at 20:20

Next Meeting Tuesday 14th March 2023