local plan chawton residents Village Notices Uncategorized

CPC Minutes November 2021




Meeting on Tuesday 9th November 2021

7pm The Learning Centre J A House


1 Present/Apologies
1.1   Present: Phillip Pascoe, (Chair), Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Jenny Perring, Malcolm Williamson and Jayne Whittock (via zoom)

1.2   Apologies: Paul Schofield and Jason Simper

2. Public Attendance
Ian Robertson, Clare Klaire
3. Minutes of last Meeting
Previously approved and signed as a true and correct record by the Chair
4. Updates
5. Planning and Development*

The Oast House – Lawful development certificate for Proposed Home office and Gym –No objection.


Park Pale, Chawton Park Farm –  application for the park pale to be listed as a scheduled monument – the council fully support the application and Cllr Pascoe will discuss with Leah Coney (Town Clerk) the financial assistance required from Alton TC who will lead the application.


*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.

6. General Activity

6.1 Stiles & Kissing Gates – MS has now walked the area with 2 contractors and expects a quote which will be passed to SDNP for approval.

6.2 Meeting with traffic team – MS met with Tracey Webb (traffic team) to discuss extending the double yellow lines in the following areas:

·       Junction in centre of village left of exit from Gosport Road

·       Ferney Close

·       From the Forge to Ivy Cottage

·       From the village hall car park entrance to opposite the drive adjacent Springfield Cottages

With regard to the parking along the Gopsort Road, it was agreed that the current white line was not proving a success and Tracey agreed to look into various other options available for this area.

6.3  Speed Indicator Devices  (SID) – also discussed with Tracey Webb, a SID, on loan, will be placed by the village hall for a limited time to assess the speed of traffic on the straight through the village, after which a decision will be made as to whether we add 2 x SID’s, one at each entrance to the village. The loaned SID would also give data required  to prove the need for a pinch point outside the village hall and also contribute data towards the implementation of a 20 mph speed limit.

6.4 Tree Application – Permission has been granted to continue with Phase 2 of the tree works on the recreation ground. It is hoped that this work will take place in January. An order for replacement trees will made and a grant has been received from Cllr Tennyson with regard to this purchase.

6.5 Sustainability in Chawton – How can Chawton become more environmentally friendly? Two years ago the village of Overton set up ‘Sustainable Overton’ www.sustainableoverton.org.uk their website has some interesting ideas which could be adapted to suit the village – a further discussion and volunteers would be required.

6.6 Purchase of a circular seat – MS has spoken to Robert Smith – Blacksmith, Farringdon who has agreed to commission a circular seat for the Queens jubilee.

6.7 Seeking Protection of the North Downs – A response to this request has been sent  which expresses the Council’s concerns about the significant area around Alton and Four Marks which would be left unprotected.


7. Financial Review
Salary and overtime for the Clerk, G Kitching, Magazine delivery J Fryer
8. AOB.
·       MS has submitted a complaint regarding the pavement re-surfacing along Gosport Road.

·       Cllr Pascoe asked that the Council submit priorities for the coming year in order to formulate a budget.

·       Cllr Williamson asked that the footpath 046/8/1 be considered when work was carried out on other footpaths in the area.







Meeting closed at 20:05 Next meeting Tuesday 14th December 2021.

For further information contact the Clerk on 0142083440 or 07739394743


Signed by the Chairman ………………………………………………

Dated …………………………………………………………………………..