local plan chawton residents Village Notices Meetings Events Uncategorized

CPC Meeting December 2021




Meeting on Tuesday 14th December 2021  7pm

Due to rises in Covid cases this meeting was held Via Zoom


1 Present/Apologies
1.1   Present: Phillip Pascoe, Jason Simper (Chair), Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Jenny Perring, Malcolm Williamson,  Jayne Whittock and Diana Tennyson (DC)

1.2   Apologies:

2. Public Attendance
Clare Klaire
3. Minutes of last Meeting
 Approved and signed as a true and correct record by the Chair
4. Updates
5. Planning and Development*

No planning applications received


Park Pale, Chawton Park Farm –  the council have fully supported the application and pledged an initial contribution of £1500 towards the process.


*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.

6. General Activity

6.1 Stiles & Kissing Gates – MS has received a quote from A T Projects to replace several stiles with Kissing gates along footpath No 7. A grant has also been received from SDNP and this work will be carried out in the new year.

6.2   Speed Indicator Devices  (SID) – Awaitig a response from the traffic team.

6.3   Wildflower Meadow – Cllr Schofield suggested a small wildflower meadow at the bottom of Ferney Close, however ownership of the land needs to be confirmed prior to any work being carried out.

6.4   Sustainability in Chawton – How can Chawton become more environmentally friendly? Two years ago the village of Overton set up ‘Sustainable Overton’ www.sustainableoverton.org.uk their website has some interesting ideas which could be adapted to suit the village – a further discussion and volunteers would be required – this will carry over to next year.

6.5 Tree Application – Tree work will take place between 10th-13th January 2022 and there will be limited access to the park during this time. New trees have been ordered which will be planted once the maintenance work is complete.

6.6  Budget & Precept – The Council decided not to increase the precept for the year 2022/23

6.7  Purchase of a circular seat – A quote has been received from Robert Smith – Blacksmith, Farringdon who has agreed to commission a circular seat for the Queens jubilee – the cost is more than expected at £3595.00 including VAT, however, Chawton Events are happy to approve a grant of £1500.00 towards the seat which will be for the enjoyment of residents and visitors for many years to come. A larger tree would also purchased and planted for the inside of the seat.

6.8  20’s Plenty Cycle Alton – Cllr Perring has been contacted by Cycle Alton for their support.

7. Financial Review
Salary and overtime for the Clerk, Web site hosting, Christmas Tree and Magazine delivery J Fryer
8. AOB.
Clare Klare stated that with regard to the Chawton Park Development, “every effort was made to establish an independent campaign group, but it became clear that to do so would take time and funds that we did not have.  As was reported some of us have joined and become active members of The Alton Society who are well established and were already actively campaigning – it could well have proved counter-productive to establish a second group.

They are very effective in keeping the myriad objections against this development in the public domain and thus keep pressure on Councils to address them.  Their energy, passion and dedication is admirable and they should be applauded for their efforts on behalf of our Parish.

That is of course notwithstanding the tremendous work by our elected representatives at EHDC, to whom we are extremely grateful”.


The Council encourage all residents to join the Alton Society and support the campaign against the proposed development. https://altonsociety.wordpress.com/


The Council discussed the ongoing issue of speeding through the village and both Cllrs Williamson and Pascoe said that there should be a comprehensive solution to the problem. As soon as data has been collected by the Traffic Team or an Independent Survey carried out then this should be acted on as soon as possible. A hand held speed detector was also briefly discussed. The Clerk will follow up with the Traffic Team in the New Year.











Meeting closed at 20:00 Next meeting Tuesday 18th January 2022 depending on Covid restrictions at that time.

For further information contact the Clerk on 0142083440 or 07739394743


Signed by the Chairman ………………………………………………

Dated …………………………………………………………………………..