Annual Parish Meeting
Tuesday May 7th 2019 7.30pm
(following the AGM)
Present: Jason Simper (Chairman), Phillip Pascoe, Jenny Perring, Paul Schofield, Keith Murray, Malcolm Williamson, Donal O’Connell and Mandi Sowik (Clerk)
Apologies: None
Public Attendance: Diana Tennyson (District Councillor), Tim Lees, Ian Robertson.
Minutes of the last meeting were signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.
Planning: Greenlea, The Shrave – amendment to original application – Council noted the concerns over tree preservation orders on trees within the application.
Chawton Glebe – application for internal works – Council have no objections.
New Offices & Workshop Facility, Wolfs Lane – The Council object to this application – Cllr Williamson will respond – While this application is in Alton, it has a material effect on the entrance to the Village.
2 Pond Cottages, Gosport Road – application for listed building consent for extension and replacement windows – Council have no objections.
S106 funds/CIL The Council have monies available from these funds which require allocating. The criteria being; Environmental Improvements, Public Open Spaces and transport. The Clerk will collate a list of projects and distribute for comments.
Hybrid Line Scheme Options – The Traffic Team have now completed their recommendations which will be distributed to the Councillors for comment and review as soon as possible.
Chawton Ball Update – Date 13th July from 7pm cost £30 per person (10 per table) Several tables have been reserved, the band and DJ have been booked. For reservations please contact: Mandi Sowik 07739394743 or email
Meeting ended 21.00
Next meeting will be Tuesday 11th May 2019
7.30 pm The Learning Centre, J A House