residents chawton Village Notices Meetings

Chawton PC AGM May 2019


Annual General Meeting

7th May 2019

7.30pm The Learning Centre, J A House

Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Phillip Pascoe, Malcolm Williamson, Paul Schofield, Jenny Perring, Donal O’Connell, Keith Murray & Mandi Sowik (Clerk)


1       Apologies –          None


2. Minutes of last meeting were signed previously as a true and correct record by the Chairman.


  1. Matters Arising None


  1. Chairman’s Report (to follow)


  1. Co-option of Councillors – Cllr Malcolm Williamson proposed Jenny Perring, Paul Schofield and Phillip Pascoe, Cllr Keith Murray seconded all.


  1. Re-election of Chairman – Cllr Jason Simper was re-elected as Chairman proposed by Cllr Williamson, seconded by Cllr Pascoe.


  1. Matters arising from the floor – None


Meeting closed 19:52 Annual Parish Meeting to follow.