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Minutes Chawton PC Meeting May 2018


Annual Parish Meeting

Tuesday 22nd May 2018 7.30 pm

(Following AGM)


Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Malcolm Williamson, Jenny Perring & Malcolm Williamson.

Apologies: Keith Murray, Philip Pascoe & Lisa Rome.


Minutes of the last meeting had been previously signed as true and correct record by the Chair.


Cllr Lisa Rome has tended her resignation, accepted by the Chairman, the council would like to thank Lisa for all her work and support during her time with the Council.


The grass clippings near the cricket pitch require clearing, options will be explored for removal and the Cricket Club asked if they could store the future clippings in their own grounds.  Council also stated a concern regarding the parking of cars on the recreation area during cricket matches. Clerk would check existing tree felling application which would allow for parking off the recreation ground.


Mitigation of noise from bikers on the A32 – some residents have asked for support from the PC regarding the bike noise from the A31/A32 on certain days of the week.  The PC will write to Highways and the Police but would encourage all residents who find this a problem to also write to the relevant authorities.


Caravan/Car Park – The PC are reviewing the lease, any external contributions and usage by various parties before taking over the car park and only when EHDC have carried out dilapidations. Once this has been finalised the PC will look into re-arranging the car park to allow for maximum car space. With regard to the caravan parked in the car park, EHDC have been made aware and the PC also suggested a polite notice through the owner’s door asking for the caravan to be removed, an abandoned vehicle form would also be completed. With regard to any drug related activity, residents are encouraged to call 101 and report any incidents or suspicions to the police.


Road Repairs to Wolfs Lane – the worst area appears to be around Lavant Field/Redemptorist – this would be passed onto Mark Kemp Gee.


Footway future maintenance – Cllr Williamson stated that some of the paths/footways around the village become overgrown and with HCC receiving less funding from Government he suggested that as a PC we should take some responsibility for the maintenance.


Planning – The Thatch, Winchester Road – (Cllr Simper left the meeting) – 1 storey extension to rear – after discussion council has no objection to this application.


Communication – The council decided to mailshot all parishioners and invite them to be part of a rapid and more direct messaging system via email. Cllr Schofield will draft a form before delivering throughout the parish.


Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Chairman


Meeting closed at 21.27

Next meeting Tuesday 19th May 2018

Chawton House