Village Notices Meetings Events

PC Minutes Meeting September 2017


Meeting on Tuesday 12th September 2017 at 7.30pm

 The Village Hall, Chawton


Present: Jason Simper (Acting Chair), Malcolm Williamson, Lisa Rome & Phillip Pascoe

Apologies: Mandi Sowik, Tony Costigan, Keith Murray

Minutes: No minutes to approve as no meeting in August 2017, July 2017 minutes signed previously.

Planning: No planning to discuss.

Documents – Thanks were given to Councillor Pascoe for his work on the new policy documents.  The policy documents have been signed off and will be uploaded on to the website.  It was noted that the Parish Clerk has some queries pending with the website company re: duplicate entries.  Parish Clerk to decide where best to save policy documents on website so that they are easily accessible to all.

Flood Action Meeting: Councillor Williamson had attended the recent Flood Action Meeting on 30/08/17. This group has been renamed and is now the Multi Action Group (MAG).  Councillor Williamson reported that this had been a very constructive meeting and that practical solutions were being considered.  (See Councillor Wlliamson’s notes of MAG meeting). Concern was noted that any works in Farringdon would move the flooding risk along to Chawton and that works would need to be carried out before this issue arises.

Councillor Simper to flag this concern with Councillor Costigan to ensure that action is being taken to protect Chawton from flooding.

Councillor Williamson also highlighted the Lengthsman scheme to the CPC.  It was discussed that some areas of the village were not as well maintained as they could be and suggested that CPC consider whether they wish to budget for a Lengthsman in the next financial year.


Controlled Parking Zone: The CPC are sponsoring EHDC to carry out a survey of parking within the village.  It is recognised that parking is an ongoing issue for the CPC and the parishioners.  Several remedial actions have already been taken by CPC.  There has been a lot of criticism of these actions within the village.  Whilst it is not always possible to please all, the CPC wished to convey that they are continuing to act in the best interests of the village and had arrived at the conclusion that considering a controlled parking zone is the best way forward.  The survey will consider the volume of traffic over a period taking in busier periods and school term times.  It is anticipated that the survey will then recommend markings and permit only parking within set periods during which other visitors to the village will be required to use other parking areas. The CPC agreed that it was important to go through this survey process to reduce current parking issues and aid future planning.  The survey process and report could take up to 9 months to complete.  Public consultation will take place once the survey results and recommendations are known.  This will allow everyone to have their say.

Residents Parking: This will be considered as part of the restrictive parking zone survey and report. This is likely to result in 2 permits per house.  The first would be free and the second payable.  Residents would also have the option to purchase a visitor permit. It is not the intention to have parking bays.

The Terrace residents currently park in the public car park. Consideration needs to be given as to how parking will be addressed for these residents.  This will also form part of the restrictive parking zone survey.

Public Car Park: The public car park in the village is currently owned by Fullers and leased to EHDC.  It is likely that EHDC will decide not to continue the lease.  CPC have previously discussed options available including the parish taking on the car park including whether charging is an option.  Concern was expressed that not taking control of the car park could result in loss of this car park to other use.  It was agreed that the CPC will approach both Jane Austens House (JAH) and Chawton House Library (CHL) to discuss visitor parking, the lease of the public car park and how these organisations can assist.


Signage: CPC confirmed that the council felt that the new signage in the village had been an appropriate action to take and part of a blended approach to addressing the parking issues within the village.

However, the new ‘no coaches’ signs had been erected in the village without liaison with the CPC.  Councillor Simper will contact EHDC to request that the ‘no coaches’ sign next to Cassandras cup and the coach parking instruction sign near the coach bays are removed.

Coach Parking: It was noted that the coach bay markings are still in place.  Councillor Simper to ask Councillor Costigan to follow up on the removal of these markings to ensure this space is used for car parking.

Multiple complaints had been received about coaches parking and waiting in the village and on some occasions blocking the route through the village.  It was felt that the coach parking arrangements which the CPC had discussed with JAH were not being implemented in practice and that more action was needed on JAH’s part.  CPC to arrange a meeting with JAH to discuss this.

Bus Stop Marking: The bus stop will be marked in the current location as a temporary measure and may be relocated once the controlled parking zone survey is completed.

A change of route to the 64 bus is currently being considered to provide a bus service to Chawton at weekends.  CPC to confirm scheduled route and turning circle and consider impact on parking and bus stop.

Resignation & Replacement:

Councillor Forward’s resignation was formally acknowledged and thanks were given for her number of years’ service and contribution to the parish.  Parish Clerk to write to Councillor Forward to formally pass on the CPC’s gratitude.

It was agreed that the CPC should commence the process to advertise for a replacement.  Councillor Simper / Parish Clerk to initiate this process with EHDC and post appropriate notices.

Planting: Councillor Murray to be asked to follow up on additional planting around the ‘Chawton’ sign on the NW entrance to the village.


Replacement Bench:  A new bench has been ordered for the half-moon near Ferney Close.  A budget of up to £75 for fixings was proposed by Councillor Pascoe and seconded by Councillor Rome.


Social Media: Due to several comments being made on facebook regarding issues in the parish it was agreed to create a CPC Facebook page that would enable the CPC to communicate with the Parish and respond to relevant comments received.  Councillor Rome agreed to create and administer the CPC Facebook page in conjunction with the Parish Clerk.

Chawton Info Website: It was indicated that it may now be possible to combine the Chawton info website with the new CPC website.  Councillor Pascoe & Councillor Rome to arrange a meeting with Tim Chilton the Chawton info website owner.

Chawton House Shires: Several councillors and parish feedback had raised questions about CHL’s decision to remove the shires from the village.  Concern was expressed that the impact of this decision on the community had not been considered and that it was important to CPC and the parish for both CHL and JAH to consider the impact of their actions on the community and to communicate with the parish more effectively.  Whilst there are very strong opinions within the parish on recent actions the CPC felt that it was not appropriate for them to get involved at a tactical level.  The CPC did agree however that communication between CHL and JAH should be addressed.  CPC to arrange separate meetings with the trustees of CHL and JAH on this and issues discussed earlier.

Meeting closed at 21:20pm

The next CPC Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month

  • 09/10/17
  • 14/11/17
  • 12/12/17

The Learning Centre, J A House

For further information contact the Clerk on 0142083440