chawton residents Village Notices Meetings Events Uncategorized

Minutes for February Meeting 2020




Meeting on Tuesday 11th February 2020

The Learning Centre, J A House 7.30pm


1 Present/Apologies
1.1   Present: Jason Simper (chair), Keith Murray, Malcolm Williamson, Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Phillip Pascoe, Donal O’Connell and Jenny Perring

1.2   Apologies: Paul Schofield

2. Public Attendance
2..1 Ian Robertson (Chawton Park Farm) Diana Tennyson (EHDC Cllr) Ingrid Thomas (EHDC Cllr)

Clare Klare (Chalk Dell Cottages)


3. Minutes of last Meeting
3.1 The Minutes from the last meeting were agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chair.
4. Updates
4.1 Update from the Clerk
5. Planning and Development*
Current and ongoing planning applications will be discussed at the meeting and comments will be made: –


Area A Clement Court Proposal: T1 Cypresses – Reduce tree to a height of 12 metres, remove lowest roadside branch. T2 Douglas Fir – Reduce tree to a height of 12 metres. T3 Douglas Fir – Reduce tree to a height of 12 metres – the Council have no objection to this application.


Chawton Parish Council objects to the proposal on the grounds that new developments (except for a very specific purpose) outside the Settlement Policy Boundary and in the SDNP are detrimental and should be primarily opposed on the grounds on preventing settlement expansionChawton Parish Council believes there is not an essential need for workers to live permanently on this site which would be the only basis for a new dwelling in National or South Downs policy.

*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.

6. General Activity
Discuss and review the ongoing objectives and activities of the Parish Council.

6.1.1 Car Park Lease – Still awaiting Fullers. Noted that the pothole has been filled by the entrance to the car parks.

6.1.2 Barrier for Dead End Car Park 3 quotes have been received. 2 of which will be carried forward. The last details requiring confirmation for agreement involve the locking mechanism. The Clerk will speak to Stronghold Security & Cllr Murray would talk with Stopem and return back with answers within the week. In the meantime, it was advised that unless specifically requested the concrete block would remain in place until the barrier was installed. Phase 1 would be the installation of the barrier; Phase 2 would be the installation to the right of permanent bollards and phase 3 would be the possibility of planters laid out in a chicane type run to discourage towing vehicles from entering the area. Phases 1 and 2 will be undertaken together, phase 3 will follow.

6.1.3 Hybrid Line Scheme – Cllr Simper is in discussion with the traffic team and Cllr Thomas regarding the final agreed layout of the lines. It was also once again bought to the attention of both District Councillors that the persistent use of residents own street cones should be discontinued as soon as possible. Correspondence was received from Robert Isaac regarding yellow lines outside the driveway to Clinkers and beyond. Cllr Thomas stated that the letter to herself had been taken into consideration and that she now believed Mr Isaac was happy with the outcome.

6.1.4 Large Sites – Local Plan update – currently there was no update from EHDC as to when the results of the plan would be revealed.


6.1.5 – Footpaths – the footpath adjacent to the A32 towards Farringdon has now been fenced on the roadside providing a safer footpath. Thank you to Cllrs Thomas and Tennyson for their Councillor grants towards this project.

6.3 – General

6.3.1 Ball – The date for the Ball would be 11th July 2020 – the Parish Council have made the decision to host the Ball again this year. Communication would be made with CH.

6.3.2S106 Grants Unfortunately Chris Paterson of SDNP could not make the meeting – the Clerk will make a list of projects which could potentially be funded by the S106 fund allocated to Chawton currently.

7. Financial Review
Finance – Clerk £250 + £187.50 salary & Overtime / R Channon £40 village centre mowing /cemetery mowing £165/ bins £417.50/ Fencing ATP Projects £3996


8. AOB.
Flooding – Cllr Williamson explained options available regarding the flood issues and monies have been put aside for work around the Church area. The Council are concerned by the section of the Lavant from the Church to Home Farm Drive and all other areas within the village prone to flooding. Cllr Williamson would expand further with advice from the water company.

Chawton House hope to extend electricity to the Barn at the end of the Dead End creating a suitable space for events. Local residents requested licensing rules etc.

Cllr Pascoe raised the issue of Bentley Action Group who are campaigning against Northwood both Simon Jenkins and Vicky Potts had attended a recent meeting were they were told that the response reveal would take longer than eventually thought due to the large scale of responses received.

Cllr Simper asked that enforcement be asked to visit Chawton to ensure the correct use of the yellow crosshatch at the school.

There is still a bag of asbestos pieces at the dead end. EHDC would be informed again.

Cllr Perring was asked if the school would like a small grant for the planting of flowers/bulbs in and around the park area.

Cllr Thomas agreed to chase up the removal of the asbestos at the dead end. Also to contact the enforcement officer with a view to monitoring the zig zags outside the school which are constantly being abused by parents. The signs clearly state that there is no parking At Any Time. Tickets will & fines will be issued to those not adhering to the rules.


Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting in respect to items on the agenda.

·         The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting shall not exceed 10 minutes and a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes unless directed by the Chairman of the meeting.

Please inform the Clerk at least three days prior to the meeting providing any relevant paperwork for the Council if you wish to participate during this session.

The Council undertakes to listen to the speaker and may ask questions of clarification they are not required to answer questions raised during the same session.

Meeting closed at 2110