chawton residents local plan Village Notices Meetings Uncategorized

Agenda for PC Meeting 21st September 2023


This meeting will now take place on Thursday 21st September 7.30pm







Thursday 21st September 2023 07:30 PM

The Learning Centre, J A House



1 Apologies
1.1 To receive & approve apologies for absence.
2. Public Attendance
Public Participation – Members of the public are very welcome to join the meeting.

Members of the public will be invited to introduce themselves and if they wish to do so address the meeting on matters of interest to the Parish Council, whether the issue is included in the agenda or not. Thereafter members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting but will be unable to speak on issues to be discussed unless specifically asked to do so by the Chair.


2.1 Introductions by the Public gallery of attendance and declared interests.


3. Minutes of last Meeting
3.1 To approve the minutes from the previous meeting
4. Updates
4.1 Update from the District Councillor(s)

4.2 Update from the Chairman

4.3 Update from the Clerk

5. Planning and Development*
Current and ongoing planning applications will be discussed at the meeting and comments will be made: –



*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.

6. General Activity
Discuss and review the ongoing objectives and activities of the Parish Council (Detailed in Appendix 1).


6.1 – Vacancies for 3 new councillors remain.

6.2 –  Proposal for a new bench on grass verge in centre of village

6.3 –  Grant applications – refurbishment of play area?

6.4 – Flower planters on entry to village need maintenance.

6.5 –  Replacement of damaged bollard opposite school

7. Financial Review
To review and approve any spending and payments/requests for funding (Itemised in Appendix Clerk Salary & Overtime & Semrah
8. AOB.








Please note items on the above agenda are subject to change.


For further information contact the Clerk on 07739394743


Next meeting will be Tuesday 17th October 2023