
March 2017 – Minutes

Meeting on Tuesday 21st March 2017
At 7.30 pm The Learning Centre, J A House
Present: Tony Costigan (Chair) Mandi Sowik (Clerk) Jackie Forward, Peter Shakespeare, Jason Simper, Philip Pascoe, Malcolm Williamson, Lisa Rome.
Members of the public present: Jane & Martin Hammond

Minutes of the last meeting were signed as a true and correct record by the Chair.

Planning: No further planning applications have been received since last meeting.

Car Park/Signage: Cllr Costigan has received confirmation from EHDC that the lease will be £4140 per annum with the addition of £2178 for business rates.
The Council have paid £500 towards the lease for the year 2017, which EHDC have agreed to cover. The Council are now waiting for a maintenance report from EHDC.
There will be further discussions with Jane Austen’s House (JAH) and Chawton House Library (CHL) regarding the lease over the coming months.

Coaches – The Council discussed the option of removing the coach parking from the car park by asking the coaches to drop off at the bus shelter and park outside the village in facilities available in Alton at the Sports Centre/Jubilee playing fields and Anstey Park. Notice would need to be given via JAH to pass onto the coaches. The Council decided to allow Cllr Costigan to approach the parking team at EHDC and move forward with this, Cllr Shakespeare proposed & Cllr Murray seconded.

Signage – Information had been received from Chris O’Connell regarding the new signage in the village. After some small changes the signage will be approved and Cllr Murray will liaise with Chris O’Connell regarding a start date.
The Council also discussed better usage of the ‘dead end’ on Gosport Road, a key is required for the barrier and the Council would like to see it opened on a daily basis either by a rota system or by staff at CHL, this again would be discussed further with CHL.

Village Magazine a letter has been received from the Farringdon & Chawton Village Magazine committee inviting the Council to send the minutes for publishing. Cllr Costigan will discuss further with the editor.

School Bench – The school have applied for a mini ‘sitting with Jane’ bench for schools which is slightly smaller scaled than the normal sized ones. The Council will donate £250 to the CSSG for this. Proposed by Cllr Forward, seconded by Cllr Simper.

Sitting with Jane Bench – The bench will be positioned on the grass in front of Jane Austen’s House.

Notice Board – The Council have decided that due to expensive and time consuming planning permission the sites of the board will remain the same. The Clerk has spoken to Derek Creesey who lives at Bodmin Cottage at the Shrave. This is where the original notice board was situated and Derek is happy for the board to be reinstated.
The Clerk will confirm this with the Planning department before proceeding.

Standing Orders – These are being updated by Cllr Pascoe. He proposed a time frame of two months and once agreed the Council will adopt and will review yearly.

AGM & Annual Parish Meeting – This will be held on 16th May 2017 at 7pm, The Learning Centre, J A House.

Play Area – An inspection has recently be undertaken by Wickstead, the Council will decide on the necessary repairs.

Village Magazine the Council decided that minutes would not be published in the village magazine, they will be placed on the website and they would also be available on the village notice board(s).

Meeting closed at 21.25
Next meeting will be Tuesday 25th April 2017
The Learning Centre, J A House
Mandi Sowik Chawton Parish Council March 2017