chawton residents local plan Village Notices Meetings Events Uncategorized

Agenda PC Meeting 14th December


Parish Council

Meeting Tuesday 12th December 2021 07:00 PM

The Learning Centre, J A House

To be held via zoom



1 Apologies
1.1 To receive & approve apologies for absence.
2. Public Attendance
2.1 Introductions by the Public gallery of attendance and declared interests.


3. Minutes of last Meeting
3.1 To approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
4. Updates
4.1 Update from the District Councillor(s)

4.2 Update from the Chairman

4.3 Update from the Clerk

5. Planning and Development*
Current and ongoing planning applications will be discussed at the meeting and comments will be made: –


*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.

6. General Activity
Discuss and review the ongoing objectives and activities of the Parish Council (Detailed in Appendix 1).

6.1 Stiles & Kissing Gates – Quote has been sent to SDNP for process, once approved work will begin.

6.2 Speed Indicator Devices  – Clerk has met with the traffic team – 1st draft plan has been recived

6.3 Wildflower Meadow – carried over from last meeting, PS

6.4 Sustainability in Chawton – How can Chawton become sustainable – carried over from last meeting.

6.5 Tree Application – Permission has been granted to carry out the proposed tree works in the park – Itchen Valley Trees have provided a quote and will begin work 10th January for 4 days.

6.6 Budget and Precept – Decision on Precept for 2022

6.7 Tree Order – A grant has been received from Cllr Tennyson and the Council intend to purchase a number of trees to replace those being removed in January. Amongst these trees will be a replacement for the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mothers tree and one for the jubilee and one to commemorate the life of the Duke of Edinburgh.

6.8 Circular Seat for Jubilee – a quote has been received from Robert Smith for a circular seat to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee – approval is required from the Council however a grant of £1500 has been offered from Chawton Events.

6.9 20’s Plenty Cycle Alton – Cycle Alton are seeking support for their 20’s plenty campaign.



7. Financial Review
Clerk salary & overtime, Web Hosting, Christmas Tree
8. AOB.

Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting in respect to items on the agenda.

·       The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting shall not exceed 10 minutes and a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes unless directed by the Chairman of the meeting.



Please inform the Clerk at least three days prior to the meeting providing any relevant paperwork for the Council if you wish to participate during this session.

The Council undertakes to listen to the speaker and may ask questions of clarification they are not required to answer questions raised during the same session.






Please note items on the above agenda are subject to change


For further information contact the Clerk on 07739394743