residents chawton Village Notices Meetings

Parish Council Minutes April Meeting


Meeting 9th April 2019 at 7.30 pm

The Learning Centre, J A House

Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Malcolm Williamson, Paul Schofield, Donal O’Connell and Philip Pascoe.

Apologies: Keith Murray and Jenny Perring

Public Attendance: Jonathan May and Diana Tennyson – District Councillors elect.

Planning: Hillmoor, Northfield Lane application to increase roof height and extend – Council have no objection.

Election Update: 7 nominations were hand delivered to Penns Place, of the 7, 4 were accepted and 3 returned. The Council will co-opt 3 Councillors at the May meeting.

Barrier Update: The Council discussed the security options for the barrier at the Dead End, the white lines have now been painted in and parking is being encouraged, the majority of Councillors opted to keep the low-level barrier rather than add a height restriction barrier but with an updated locking system and improvement to the general appearance of the entrance. This will be monitored over the next months.

Any Other Business:

Lectern – Council agreed that more research into a lectern for the area in front of the green telecom box should be carried out along with a request for funding.

Chawton Ball – The PC will be hosting the Ball this year, initial outline planning has taken place, the date will be Saturday 13th July, there will be a live band and DJ sets, canapes and desserts to be included, more information will be available soon.

Feedback from Playground Course – The Clerk and Cllr Perring attended a course with HALC at the end of March regarding Playground Safety. Points taken from the course included the dangers of play areas and in response to this the blue rope attached to a tree close to the Lavant has been removed and the Clerk will look into fixing the picnic benches in order to stop these being placed too close to the play equipment. The annual inspection of the playground will take place within the next couple of months.

Car Park Lease – Cllr Pascoe is in discussion with Fullers regarding the lease for the car park. The Coaches are now being asked to park in the coach bays which will be re-lined in due course.

CIL Payments: The Council were invited to list any works within the parish which could benefit from a grant from the CIL payments.

Cllr Schofield requested that more trees be planted within the village.

Meeting Attendance: Councillors are requested to reply to meeting requests and where possible be on time.

Meeting closed 20:55

Next meeting AGM followed by ordinary meeting Tuesday 7th May 2019 7.30 pm

The Learning Centre, J A House


Signed ………………………………………………………………… Chairman


Dated ………………………………………………………………….