
Minutes 9th September 2016


Meeting on 9th September 2016 7.45pm
The Meeting Room, Chawton Village Hall

Present: Cllrs Tony Costigan (EHDC), Jackie Forward, Jason Simper, Peter Shakespeare, Malcolm Williamson, Lisa Rome and Mandi Sowik (Clerk)

The Council read through the minutes from former meetings held in May and June including an informal meeting between Cllrs Tony Costigan, Jackie Forward, Edward Stevenson, Malcolm Williamson and the Clerk in June 2016.
Minutes from the AGM on the 31st May 2016 were agreed.
Notes from the following Public meeting on 7th June 2016, held at Chawton House Library, will be debated at the next Council meeting with a view to adopting.
Positive points only to be brought to next Parish Council meeting, any subjects related to history of the last meetings will be stopped. Agreed by all.

New Council Members/Co-option: The Council will remain as is with Cllr Costigan as Chairman. All agreed. With reference to Co-option of new Councillors, Cllr Williamson stated that due to the legislation ‘Representation of the People Act 1983 Sec 39 (1)’, the PC would be unable to co-opt 2 further Council members and an election would be required. The Clerk would seek further advice and report to the Council at the next meeting.

Accounts: The accounts have been returned and signed off.

Website: There is a requirement for the PC to have a formal Parish Council website, The Clerk and Cllr Shakespeare will arrange to meet with Tim Chilton to ensure that the original site and the village magazine are able to still exist if required and that essential information will be transferred. Cllr Simper will explore a new website. All agreed that would be purchased with extras, with a budget of £50.


The Clerk will acknowledge a letter received from Mr Fuller regarding the proposal for double yellow lines around the entrance to the private road to Southfield Farm. The Council will take advice from Highways to clarify over the barrier and key holders for the Gosport dead end.

A letter will be sent to all ex Councillors, thanking them for their service.

FAG – Mr Graham Rankin, Home Farm Barn, would be approached with regard to representing Chawton on the FAG committee, if not then this would be advertised throughout the village.
Cllr Williamson stated at this point that he would not be undertaking any operational portfolios other than attending regular PC meetings.

A letter has been received from a member of the public questioning the whereabouts of a public toilet. The Clerk will respond.

Meeting Closed at 9.30pm
Next meeting Friday 30th September 2016 7.30pm
The meeting Room, Village Hall, Chawton