Meeting on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 7.30pm
The Learning Centre, J A House, Chawton
Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Philip Pascoe, Malcolm Williamson, Jenny Perring, Paul Schofield, Lisa Rome and Mandi Sowik (Clerk).
Apologies: Keith Murray
Minutes of the Last Meeting (January) have been previously agreed and signed by the Chairman.
Planning: No new applications have been received.
The council noted that part of the car park at the Cricket Club end of the Jubilee Fields had been fenced/gated off but were not aware of the reason any impact on local users would be monitored and, if necessary, taken up with Alton Town Council as Landowner.
A review of the Local Plan was also noted, the Council had no comment to make at this time.
Chawton House/Shire Horse Campaign – Cllr Simper and the Clerk attended a meeting at Chawton House (CH) with Louise Ansdell, Anne McMeehan Roberts, Simon Knight and Richard Knight members of the Trustees, there was a good discussion and we look forward to continuing the dialogue and working together in the future. Discussions included car parking in the village which the House are keen to assist with were possible.
CH stated that when any plans for significant change at the House are developed these would be presented for consultation with the village, but in the meantime the House will remain open and they look forward to welcoming visitors. There is an extensive programme of events and the tea room will be open on a daily basis from the beginning of March until the end of November.
The Charity explained the difficult decision not to continue with the Shire Horses and that the horses had been found good homes by Mrs Mclaren supported by Mr Harris. There have been a number of suggestions made to the charity as to how the horses could be returned, CH regrets, but remains clear that the decision they have made will not change.
The Charity explained that a group of individuals has sought to conduct a campaign that seeks not only to return the Shires to Chawton but has also called for a boycott until this happens. Over a number months there has been a level of inaccurate and misleading information posted online, and there have been incidents of rude and aggressive comments, some of which have crossed the line into abuse. The Charity not only regrets but deplores this and would expect it to cease.
The House are offering residents an annual visitor pass free of charge to the visit the House, Gardens and Grounds, residents should apply to the Clerk (Mandi Sowik) [email protected] .
Controlled Parking Zone Update – No immediate update, surveys will be carried out during the summer months.
Car Park Lease update – Cllr Simper has a meeting with Fullers within the next two weeks.
Flood Meeting Update – Cllr Williamson updated the Council on the recent developments via email and the Council noted and supported the actions taken.
The Council will also consider employing a Lengthman for the village on a part time basis.
Finance – The precept remains the same as last year.
Meetings for the year set and will change to every 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Meeting ended at 21.20
Next meeting will be Tuesday 20th March 2018
7.30pm The Meeting Room, J A House