Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday 17th July 2018 7.30 pm
The Meeting Room, J A House
Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Malcolm Williamson, Paul Schofield, Donal O’Connell & Keith Murray
Apologies: Jenny Perring & Philip Pascoe
Minutes of the last parish meeting were previously signed as true and correct record by the Chair.
Planning Updates:
Parkview Cottages – lawful development certificate – Council have no objection.
12 Ferney Close – Cllr Paul Schofield declared an interest and left the meeting, the Council then discussed the application and agreed not all houses in the close are uniform and that the application was well planned and in keeping – Council have no objection.
Glencairn – Pre-application advice for new dwellings – Council object as the site lies outside the settlement boundary and is a breach of Local Plan Policy, the proposal is at the entrance to the historic core of Chawton and the entrance to the National Park. The proposed terrace of 3 creates a large and abrupt change to an urban environment which materially and adversely impacts on the Conservation Area. The proposals fail to meet the Chawton Design Guide, the shared access with Glencairn detracts from the setting of Glencairn.
The Village is subject to increasing noise from traffic, particularly motor bikes, on the Chawton roundabout at the A31 – A32 junction. The noise is such as to adversely impact on housing in the vicinity and the proposals would result in 3 houses in the most exposed location with no realistic prospect of successful attenuation.
Car Park – centre of the village – application to crown a number of trees – Council have no objection.
4 Lavant Fields – Application for downstairs shower room – Council have no objections as long as the application is within the housing association regulations.
Please note: The Parish Council can make observations regarding the parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact on the decision which lies with either EHDC or South Downs National Park.
Decision on date for village consultation regarding restricted parking – A consultation will be held in October, the whole village will be invited to attend, and this will showcase the options available regarding future parking restrictions in the village. The date will be confirmed shortly.
Footpath Clearing – A list of footpaths requiring clearance was submitted some months ago to Hampshire County Council. The Clerk will follow this up.
Broadband – Cllr O’Connell will contact BT and check broadband speeds within the village and report back to the Council.
AOB’s –
The defibrillator has been installed onto the wall outside the entrance to the village hall and is fully functional 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Village Cleaning – A Village litter pick has recently been carried out, but we are reminded to do our bit and pick it up where possible. Tim Lees has also contacted the PC with regard to clearing weeds etc. along the pavements, he has contacted HCC and will submit a quote in due course to carry out the work.
Fireworks – The Clerk will make contact regarding the fireworks evening for this year.
External Funding – The Council nominated Cllr Perring to liaise with the school regarding possible extra funding.
The Council have received a request for a grant towards an event called Storystock which will take place on Sunday 16th September at Chawton House. It was decided that the Council should liaise with the school regarding the benefits of this. (Update – event now cancelled)
Update on Village Car Park Lease – A copy of the car park lease has been received and Cllr Pascoe will review before any commitment is made and only once the repairs and lineage have been carried out.
Update on Dead End Parking – Costings for a height barrier are still being sought and the clearing and lining of the Gosport Road car park will also be chased up with Highways.
A response will also be requested from South Downs National Park to seek assistance with regard to funding for the car parking area.
Update on Email Communication – there are still a number of people yet to complete and return the form.
Laptop repair/replace – The clerk will contact a computer repair company for a quote regarding the laptop.
Signed …………………………………………………………………………… Chairman
Meeting closed at 21.40
Next meeting Tuesday 18th September 2018 19.30
The Learning Centre, J A House