residents local plan chawton Village Notices Meetings

Minutes of the meeting December 2022


Parish Meeting



Tuesday 13th December 2022 07:00 PM

The Learning Centre, J A House


1 Apologies
1.1  Present: Phillip Pascoe (Chair), Malcolm Williamson, Laura Dadswell, Jenny Perring and Mandi Sowik (Clerk)

1.2  Apologies: Jayne Whittock, Jason Simper and Ilena Allsopp


2. Public Attendance
2.1 Introductions by the Public gallery of attendance and declared interests.

Paul James – Venture Park, Selbourne Road. Cllr Diana Tennyson EHDC

3. Minutes of last Meeting
Previously approved and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.
4. Updates
District Councilors report District Councillor’s report

8th December 2022 – Ingrid Thomas



I hope you all have an enjoyable Christmas and I wish you happiness for the new year 2023,


I’ve been writing these reports for about ten years now and there are many of the same themes that keep recurring.

We are yet again being asked to take part in a consultation about the local plan. There is not long left for you to make your views known so please go to the Easthants website and fill in the consultation pages. This consultation is specifically to find out whether residents would prefer small or large sites not where those sites should be. It’s important to make your views known otherwise they cannot be taken into account.


Last week I had the task of trying to reason with the planning committee that to build yet more homes behind Boyneswood Road was not the right thing to do. I still firmly believe that we should build the right homes for people in the right places and this application did not in my view meet those criteria. We were told that because there is currently not a five-year housing land supply the arguments for the application to be permitted were stronger. Hopefully if the vote in parliament goes through this week the five-year housing land supply issue will be over. It was never a good piece of planning law so the sooner it no longer applies the better.


I have attended and discussed via email the ongoing problems of parking near the schools. In Medstead there should soon be an improvement to the path so that children do not have to walk in the road. Whilst at Four Marks the parking and speed of traffic continues to be a major hazard. A high percentage of us have either in the past of currently needed to drop our children at school and go on to work. It’s very stressful. However, that is not adequate reason to endanger others or be rude to others!

There is discussion about parking at the recreation ground and walking children to school from there, better for their health and reducing traffic. Or once again arranging a one-way system. This again needs you to join in the discussion and help to get the best solution that suits the most people.


Whilst inviting you to join in seems to be my theme this month, have you looked at the ideas being put forward for the exciting new community building project the Parish Council are involved in? This would bring many new facilities to the village and enable more people to use a community building, there is no talk of getting rid of the existing village hall. Being involved in your community can be very rewarding and worthwhile. Next May there will be vacancies for both District and Parish Councillors please consider if you could be involved.



Priorities for next year – A range of these for next year –



Cllr Simper has decided to step down as Chairman – At the November meeting – Cllr Allsopp proposed Cllr Pascoe as Chairman, this was seconded by Cllr Perring

Cllr Williamson proposed Cllr Allsopp as Vice Chairman and this was seconded by Cllr Dadswell


The Council would like to extend their thanks to Cllr Simper for his work and achievements during his term as Chairman.


5. Planning and Development*
Current and ongoing planning applications will be discussed at the meeting and comments will be made: –

*-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.


SDNP/22/05282/FUL Venture Park, Swift Industrial Supplies, Selbourne Road – expansion of existing factory etc.

The Council are fully supportive of this application and will respond accordingly, Cllr Tennyson also agreed to discuss this with the applicant – deadline 21st December 2022 Cllr Williamson will respond on behalf of the Council.

SDNP/22/05073/HOUS – Prowtings Winchester Road Chawton –

Refurbishment, partial demolition, conversion and extension of existing outbuilding into ancillary residential accommodation – Deadline 9th January 2023 – Council to discuss further and Cllr Williamson will provide a response for the Council to comment on prior to submission.


6. General Activity
Discuss and review the ongoing objectives and activities of the Parish Council (Detailed in Appendix 1).

6.1 – Training for Councillors – A course has been booked for February for 4 Councillors, Cllrs Pascoe, Dadswell, Whittock and Allsopp.

6.2 – Memorials – Statement still to be agreed and posted on the website

6.3 – Bollard opposite the school 2 quotes have been received and a decision ha been made as to which bollard will be ordered and installed to protect the tree roots from further damage – The lead time for the bollard is 2 weeks, the Council will discuss further with the Cricket Club prior to installation early next year.

6.4 – AONB – the Clerk has written to the campaign adding the Council’s support as the boundary now appears to include parts of Chawton, awaiting a response.

6.5 – Signage for Mingledown – Temporary Signs are ready, and Clerk will install.

6.6 – Budget – A budget will be circulated to the Council for further discussion, however the Council decided not to increase the precept for the coming year.

6.7 – County Council’s community funded initiative (CFI) funding for CFI schemes early next year. This includes grants for works such as crossing points and signage, the Council will discuss further prior to application.

7. Financial Review
To review and approve any spending and payments/requests for funding (Itemised in Appendix 2) Clerk Salary & Overtime
8. AOB.
8.1 The Council would like to mention the Members of the Chawton WI who have joined forces with Chawton House to celebrate their 70th birthday by planting 210 native trees in Mingledown Woods, this will extend wildlife habitats and corridors, and will be an area for local residents and visitors to enjoy and to help, in a small way, to tackle Climate Change – well done ladies!


Members of the public may make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting in respect to items on the agenda.

·        The period of time designated for public participation at a meeting shall not exceed 10 minutes and a member of the public shall not speak for more than 3 minutes unless directed by the Chairman of the meeting.


Please inform the Clerk at least three days prior to the meeting providing any relevant paperwork for the Council if you wish to participate during this session.

The Council undertakes to listen to the speaker and may ask questions of clarification they are not required to answer questions raised during the same session.


Meeting closed at 20.21

Next Meeting Tuesday 17th January 2023