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Minutes of Chawton PC Meeting March 2019


Meeting Tuesday 12th March 2019

7.30 pm The Learning Centre, J A House


Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Malcolm Williamson, Jenny Perring, Keith Murray, Paul Schofield, Donal O’Connell and Mandi Sowik (Clerk)

Apologies: Phillip Pascoe

Public Attendance: David Jobbins (Luken Beck), Diana Tennyson, Tony Welch & Bob Brown.

Minutes of the last meeting:  These were previously signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.

Planning: 1 Clement Court – 2 trees to be reduced in height by approximately 4 metres – Council have no objection.

Discuss Yellow Lines: Cllr Simper will chase up the traffic team at EHDC regarding the yellow lines and report back to the PC for consultation as soon as possible.

Barrier Safety Review: The Clerk had met with the Police who recommended a fixed height restriction barrier. Consultation would be required with Chawton House and residents in close proximity.

Local Plan Consultation: The deadline for responses to the Draft Local Plan (LDP) is 5pm on 19th March 2019. Some residents expressed concerns about the process of responding on line. If anyone should encounter a problem, then a simple email or letter to EHDC will suffice.

The Council will finalise their response to the LDP and submit within the next week. CPC have written to many associations with regard to the proposals including SDNP and Historic England requesting their support.  CPC encourage all residents to respond.

Cllr Williamson reiterated the possible need for a Neighbourhood Plan.

Financial Report:

Income – Grant from EHDC District Councillor Tony Costigan for £500 towards New signage on the Village Green.

Expenditure – The Clerk’s Salary & Expenses were signed and agreed by the Chairman.


Vintage Fair – The Sunday Vintage Fair has been given notice to cease operating by the Village Hall Committee. The CPC welcomes and supports this action.

Northbrook Park – David Jobbins from Luken Beck Developers in Southampton attended the meeting and discussed the proposal in the LDP for 800 homes at Bentley, which will be a completely new settlement. It was noted that Bentley Parish Council proposed at their most recent meeting that the 800 homes be moved to a site in Chawton Park Farm.

Bonfire Evening Clear up – steps should be taken to ensure that the clean-up work takes place immediately after the event in the future.

LDP Petition – Cllr Schofield would like to create a petition regarding the sites proposed for Chawton SA23 and SA24 and asked for support from the PC.

Parish Plan Bank Account – Cllr Murray will close the account opened to fund the Parish Plan.

Village Map – The Clerk proposed an Oak Lectern with a map of the village to be placed in front of the new telecom box, Council agreed, and a quote would be sought.


Meeting Closed at 2105

Next meeting 9th April 2019

7.30 pm The Meeting Room, J A House