chawton residents Visitor Info/Parking Village Meetings Events

Parish Council Minutes January 2019


Tuesday 15th January 2019

7.30 pm The Learning Centre, J A House


Present: Jason Simper (Chair), Malcolm Williamson, Jenny Perring, Paul Schofield, Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Phillip Pascoe, Donal O’Connell

Apologies: Keith Murray

Public Attendance: Helen Lea, Diana Tennyson, Michael Hamburger & Tony Welch


Minutes from last meeting (October) were signed previously by the Chairman as a true and correct record.


Planning:        2 Orchard Cottages – crown lifting of two Sycamore trees, one Horse chestnut Tree and one Oak Tree – Council have no objection.

Blue Cedars, The Shrave – application for garage – Council have no objections

Glencairn – Appeal for Outline permission – terrace of three new dwellings to the west of Glencairn.


Comments on the Local Plan – 2018 Review The first consultation draft has been published and is open for consultation from 5th February for 6 weeks. The local issues for Chawton include proposals for a site for traveling show people on agricultural land north side Wolfs Lane and employment use for agricultural land west of A31 adjoining Northfields Lane

Details can be found on

The Parish Council will discuss on 12th February with time for public input but encourage all residents to attend the drop-in sessions noted on the above website. (Also, on



Feedback from Consultation on Parking restrictions: 60 forms were received from residents who had attended the Consultation in November regarding the proposed parking restrictions. The overriding consensus is for double yellow lines in strategic areas to assist with congestion at peak times. Safety and speed were also added to numerous forms. The traffic team recommended speed monitors to be placed in the village to check speeds over a specific time frame allowing for data to be recorded.

The Council agreed the above in principal and will meet further with the traffic team to receive their recommendations for the yellow lines.


Car Park Lease update: Cllrs Simper and Pascoe will now move forward with negotiations with Fullers to secure the lease for the village car park. The Trustees of Jane Austen’s House Museum have agreed to contribute towards the lease for the year.


Precept setting: The Clerk will forward a budget via email to the Council so a decision can be made on the 2019/20 precept.


Wooden signs for Park area: The Clerk will put together a quotation for the installation of wooden ladder signs to be placed on the recreation area. Also, a number of footpath finger signs will need replacing.


Telephone Box update/information: The Council agreed in principle that a Red Telephone Box should be purchased, this will be funded by Chawton Events. The Clerk would contact BT to investigate whether or not we can re-connect to the electric supply for a light, if not a solar powered light would be considered. Planning permission has been granted for the box to sit in the same position as the original kiosk.


Barrier replacement/repair: After the recent traveller encampment in the dead end of the Gosport Road, the Council are keen to secure this area from future inhabitancy. It was decided that a security company would be asked for advice, the Clerk will follow up.



The fence posts to the left of the cricket pitch have been replaced and the two ‘kissing gates’ at the entrance to Mingledown Woods have been repaired.


The Council would like to thank Cllr Simper for organising the Christmas tree and also for arranging the Carol Service which took place around the tree.

The Council would also like to send thanks to Kate Wilson for the many years of coordinating the door to door carol singers throughout the village.


Bike Shelter – Cllr Perring requested a permanent cover for the cycle rack situated opposite the school, she is also working with Farringdon PC to promote the cycle route from Farringdon to Chawton which the Council supports.


Helen Lea requested a new bin for the area around the dead end especially if this is to become a car park. The council will look into this.


The Council would like to thank Cllr Pascoe for completing a risk assessment on the recreation area which can be found on the website and Parish notice board. In conjunction with this assessment the Clerk will arrange for a tree survey to be carried out on the trees within the recreation area.



Meeting closed 21.20

Next meeting will be Tuesday 12th February 2019

7.30 pm The Learning Centre, J A House


For further information contact the Clerk on 07739394743