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Minutes of PC Zoom meeting 13/4/21



Zoom Meeting on Tuesday 13th April 2021



1 Present/Apologies
1.1   Present: Jason Simper (chair), Mandi Sowik (Clerk), Phillip Pascoe, Paul Schofield and Jenny Perring, Donal O’Connell, Keith Murray and Diana Tennyson DC

1.2   Apologies: Malcolm Williamson

2. Public Attendance
3. Minutes of last Meeting
Approved and signed off.
4. Updates
4.1 Update from the Clerk – sent out as email prior to meeting, see attached.
5. Planning and Development*
Current and ongoing planning applications will be discussed at the meeting and comments will be made: –

11 Clement Court Chawton  – Sycamore Trees x 2 A and B (B maybe an acer) – reduce crown radius from approx 4.5 metres to approx 3.5 metres – a height reduction from appox 9 metres to approx 7 metres – 10-15%, a canopy lift up to 4 metres and some canopy thinning for improved light . Silver Birch x 2 C and D prune back to the nearest growth point – Council have No Objection

 Planning Application 57530/001 TPO Land rear of 6 Hunters Drive, Four MarksOak Fell – Council fully support the Tree Officers recommendations

-The Parish Council can make observations regarding the Parish as a whole and comment on applications made but there is no guarantee that these comments will impact the ultimate decision.

6. General Activity
Tree Felling – All the initial works are now complete, the trees with safety concerns have been removed and the area is starting to recover with grass growing. The cedar trees around the electric box have been removed and replaced with a more natural hedging which also follows the fence line along the lower car park towards the Lavant.

More work will be required in the coming months such as crown reduction and crown lifts as recommended by the tree surveyor.

Cllr O’Connel now has a key to the barrier and we have agreed with Chawton House that they open the barrier in the morning and if they have no staff on site at 6pm in BST (5pm during the Winter Months) then Cllr O’Connell will lock the gate.

Over the past year the litter problem has escalated with more visitors coming into the village to walk, especially around the Chawton House land. Two coffee outlets selling takeaway coffee has also exacerbated the problem with coffee cups overflowing from the bins. From 1st April we enter the Summer collection period and the bins will be emptied twice a week. One bin has successfully been replaced with a much larger one and the bin by the brick pillars in the park is also scheduled to be replaced by a larger one. An extra bin will be installed by the barrier at the dead end.

The brick pillars into the park will be replaced and new gates from the lower car park into the recreation area will be installed. This work will begin on 29th April. The new bins will also be installed at this time.

The Council discussed the possibility of asking for a payment towards the emptying of the bins from the two coffee outlets serving takeaways as the litter being produced was mainly disposable coffee cups.

The proprietors would be approached regarding this subject. Cassandra’s Cup currently have 2 bins outside the shop entrance and Chawton House has a bin by the coffee shed.

Lecterns – Clerk is to liase with J Travers regarding the progress of the drawings.


7. Financial Review
Salary and overtime for the Clerk, Grass Cutting G Kitching, Magazine delivery J Fryer, Bin collections ID Verde, Broxap – new bins, Zoom Licences.
8. AOB.
The Parish Council would like to thank Richard Shannon for all of his hard work over the years in mowing the village grass areas and keeping the village tidy, we wish him all the best and hope that George Kitchen can continue his good work.

Concerns were raised again regarding the caravans on land at Wolfs Lane, although assurance was given last year from the enforcement department that no regulations had been broken, it was felt that another call was necessary to check the area and the barns adjacent as there is a persistent dumping of human feaces over the hedge into neighboring land.

A recent attempted break in at Eastfield Farm’s barn and disruptive behaviour around the allotments by the Terrace, with recently felled logs being thrown into the Lavant and items being removed from the allotments was also a concern.

Residents have been asking when the Cricket pitch will be open again for walking. Whilst the club are happy for residents to walk their dogs on the pitch (providing they clear up any waste) they would rather this area not become a magnet for visitors who have been told that it is a ‘great area to train your puppy’ – One option was that the residents who would like to use the pitch become club members and therefore become eligible for the gate lock number and access to the pitch when no games/ practice is being played.

The PC still plan to create a more permanent seating circle for the School however this will be positioned to the right of the track which runs from the road. The Clerk will liase with Itchen Valley Trees to acquire the relevant tree stumps and have the area cleared.

A case of fly tipping was recently witnessed in the village. A van deposited several bags of rubble between Malthouse Cottages and Chawton House. This was reported via the EHDC website and was collected the same day. Should you witness any fly tipping, please report in the same manner.



‘March 21’

Responses have been submitted regarding the planning applications for a dropped kerb at Merrivale, and also for the new proposed property at Carlyle Cottage.


Outstanding applications are tree works at Clement Court.


The Tree felling work on the recreation is now complete and hopefully the grass will begin to come back at some point.  Later in the season we will look at other work the survey bought to light ie. Crown lifting etc.

The hedging has been planted down the side of the car park and where the cedar bushes have been removed from around the electric box.

Once this has taken, we will review whether there needs to be more added. I was able to use some of the S106 monies for the hedge planting.


Lecterns – as Juliet has now launched her new fabric collection, she will begin work on illustrating the lecterns so this project should start moving forward.


I have instructed Scott to go ahead with rebuilding the pillars by the entrance to the park and replacing the 2 gates at the bottom of the lower car park.

I have ordered 3 new bins, 2 have arrived and when the third arrives I will also ask Scott to install these. One will replace the bin by the pillars and will be double the size, one will replace the rotting one by the green BT box and one will be a new bin for the area around the barrier.

I have also requested that the bins are emptied twice a week from 1st April which should help with the overflowing problem we currently have, this is something we normally do at this time of year anyway.


Richard Channon has sadly given up the job of mowing the grassed area in the centre of the village due to ill health, I put out an email asking for someone to take up the work and George Kitching has taken up the role.


Donal now has a spare key for the barrier and along with Chawton House he will control the opening and closing of the barrier at the weekends, however after Easter the barrier may need to be open more often, we will review this when necessary.


Meeting closed at 20:12 Next meeting TBA

For further information contact the Clerk on 0142083440 or 07739394743